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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Good Old Fashion Cucumber

Bedtime is always a struggle between me and my angels. They will resort to all sorts of childish tactics – pleading, begging, asking the never ending ‘why?’, crying, delaying, ignoring, negotiating, and so on and so forth – just to buy some waking time, leaving me stressed out. Then I discovered the cool and soothing touch of the good old fashion cucumber.

Magsy and Cybelle love sleeping with cucumber on their eyes because it helps them relax and chain their boundless energies; children of their age, Magsy 8-year old and Cybelle is 6-year old, are like the bunny in the battery commercial – they keep going and going and going…until they run out of power and drop. Fortunately, the children find it a treat to wear cucumber in their eyes because it feels like they are inside the saloon having their beauty rest and foot spa. So now it is less stressful to me to put them to bed early, especially when I have a blog to finish.

What if I run out of cucumber?

Then I have to say what every mother would say to their children when they want something done soon, and won’t take a ‘NO’ for an answer: “Because I said so.”

PS: It's better to store the cucumber inside the refrigerator for several hours before using.

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