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Friday, April 16, 2010

The Stickers on the Wall

Being a full time mom is a very satisfying experience, but at times it can be depressing and stressful. I know because I’ve been there many times. And I am sure that if you are a full time mom, you can relate to my sentiment.

In my home, there are many causes that can bug me down into depression like: (1) When I come to realize that the day comes to an end, and yet I haven’t earned a single penny; (2) When some of my friends invited me to go malling in SM, and I can’t go with them because no one will take charge of my children during my absence or worse I had no money even just for snacks; (3) When my husband forgot to give me a call during the day just to say “Hi” because he was busy with his work; (4) When I feel that nobody appreciated the work I’ve done at home; and the list could go on and on…

Before, when I was depressed, I ate and ate without feeling any satisfaction or I just laid down without falling asleep. There were even times that I hosted pity parties, and shed my tears away. When I could no longer bear the pain, I would sometimes call my husband at work to pour out my feelings. The problem was that he could not stay long with me on the phone because he had a meeting or deadline to catch up. This only made me fell worse.

I went like this for years until I discovered the joy of collecting and posting stickers.

Now instead of wallowing in self-pity when I am depressed, I posted stickers around my home, and did other creative activities.

I decorated this white cabinet when I was depressed because I could not go to Super Metro (a department store) because nobody was willing to look after Leyan.

I decorated our wall just above Hummy, our bedroom air conditiner, when I was depressed because I wanted to eat Da Vinci pizza, my favorite, but my allowance ran out.

As full time moms we can never avoid situations and circumstances that can depress us; that's life. But we have a choice, to be a productive and creative full time moms, and gain back our life!

1 comment:

Ann said...

That s alright,you can cry it out and soon it7ll go away,ana pod ko dai when I was still@home taking care of my baby boy,its nice to see that you opted or find a creative way instead of wallowing.Keep it up.

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